Sunday, September 30, 2012

Northface hoodie for this fine Sunday....

I love the looks of this Northface hoodie! It just looks so comfortable. I paired this outfit with some tennis shoes, and a couple of layered tops. You could go for a nice Fall hike or walk somewhere... You could tour the corn mazes that seem to be popping up everywhere, orrrrr my favorite idea, head to a pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins! Tell me where you would wear this comfy warm outfit!


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hoodie and dark jeans for Saturday!

A comfy causal look for Saturday's outfit. LOVE these puma flats. Hearts, hearts, hearts! They're under $50, too! These jeans are new to the buckle, but I like the dark wash and they worked with the outfit so I thought I would give them a try. Let me know if you love it..


Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Friday Night!

I love this dressy outfit. You could wear it straight from the office to happy hour! These jeans come in waist sizes of 25 to 36, and lengths of 31 to 35. Score! I try to find things that come in a variety of sizes... Loooove these jeans. So much so, that they are also the jeans used in the daytime Friday outfit! Get-cha-self a pair soon! ;) Threw in a touch of color, I love wearing black and white, but I understand that some people need color. Hope ya love it!


More green on Friday!!

I'm re-using a couple things in Friday's daytime outfit. I'm re-using the Naturalizer flats from yesterday, and the jeans {which I am using in tonight's outfit as well}... I love the cardigan in today's outfit, it's a little on the spendy side, but the good thing is that you can pair it with a basic black tank {everyone should have one of these!} and it looks fab! 


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Perfect timing on using the black riding boots in today's outfit!

Because, I just got this email from, telling all of us ladies the top 3 reasons we NEED black riding boots! ;) Check it out for yourself.... and then head over to Piperlime to get some must have boots!

Riding boots for this casual Sunday...

Looooove {I know I use the L word A LOT... hehe},  but I seriously am in major {hearts} with this outfit. I love the casualness of the t-shirt, and the sophisticated look of the boots. Paired with a light pink skinny jean {puhhhlease wear skinny jeans if you're going to wear them with tall boots!!!} and tada!! I threw in a black sparkly scarf to dress up the look of the t-shirt a little bit, but it's not a necessity. Hope you ladies love it as much as I do!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Black and Lace for Saturday {Night!}

I saw the idea for lace tights under ripped jeans on Pinterest and knew immediately that I had to make an outfit using those elements. Here is the inspirational photo:


So, this is the hot tottie outfit I created from this idea... I hope you ladies can picture yourself wearing it out on the town for a night with the ladies {driving many men crazy, I am sure! ;)} You might have to rip some bigger holes in your jeans. So make sure to find an affordable pair, or use a pair you don't mind trashing! :)


Friday, September 21, 2012

It's Friday Night!

This outfit is a dress up, classy outfit. It's simple with the fact that it only has 4 pieces. I love the look of the dress, and just used the shoes that The Buckle had paired with the dress. 


FriDAY outfit has arrived... Orange Jeans!!

Yep, you read that correctly.. Orange jeans for today's outfit! I was inspired from a look I found on Pinterest {if I can find it again, I'll attach the picture!}.. I like the casualness of this outfit, along with it's wear-ability. It looks great, and I bet it's comfortable. Andddd, who doesn't love Toms? You get to shop, and because of your shopping they give a new pairs of shoes to a child in need. So amazing! Happy Friday, ladies!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Accessory sale at Piperlime!

Go check out all of the sales on Piperlime... All of the accessories on this page are under $25! I've used a bunch of these in outfits. Tell me which ones are your favorites.. 


A little dressy today...

You could wear this look to the office {and you could always throw a blazer or cardigan over it}.. I LOVE these shoes, they're Calvin Klein- Briah.. I think I will be using another color of these in the near future. They are however, our splurge item of the day, coming in at $149.00. You could pair this outfit with just about any pair of black pumps, or if you're not a huge fan of heels, pick a great pair of flats. A lot of stuff from Express today... Thanks for stopping by! 


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Have you checked out our Facebook page yet??

Hey, ladies!! Have you checked out the Outfit Everyday's Facebook page? If not, you should hop on over and check it out.... We'd love to have more fans! Thanks, ladies!


Pretty snazzy this Tuesday!

This outfit is snazzzy! If the heels are a little too much for you, you could pair the outfit with gold flats too... I love the pop of color with the scarf, and the uber dark jeans! Piperlime is having a sale on some jewelry, this pink and gold beaded bracelet is on sale for under $15! AND Piperlime offers free shipping! Whats better than that? So, go scoop up some of their accessories before they're gone forever! 

Links: {there are a bunch of them!}

Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Friday Night!

This outfit only has four pieces to it. This dress looks super comfortable, and looks like it would be flattering on different bodies. I think I'll be purchasing this one and wearing it with tights and a cardigan this Fall! Do you think it looks comfy too?

PS. I used the same heels as the daytime outfit! Woot! 


Hanging onto summer a little bit with this outfit...

Friday's daytime outfit is a little bit summery. I love this look though! Beautiful accessories, pretty colors, a great pair of Big Star jeans, paired with a nice peep toe heel.. Tell me if you'd rock the color denim jackets... Ciao!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rockin' some Big Stars this Tuesday!

These are definitely on my list of must have jeans for the Fall... Jeans are one thing I usually end up spending a pretty big chunk of change on.. I have a really hard time finding jeans long enough {I need at least a 35" inseam!}... But, I love the dark wash of these jeans. Big Stars have always been a favorite of mine... Ok, so now for the rest of the outfit. A cute decorative tank, paired with a blazer and striped flats tie this look together. I envision a messy side bun or a up-do of some kind with this outfit, show off those pretty earrings.  I think you could wear this look to the office {if you aren't working the corporate gig, and can wear jeans in the office}.... Would you wear it?
