Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's the weekend! I'll be off enjoying the beautiful weather that we are supposed to have this weekend! But I'll be back Monday doing outfits for everyone! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! 

Xoxo- OE

Friday, June 29, 2012

It's Friday Night!

So, as you know if you follow this blog at all... I post an It's Friday Night! outfit, every Friday. This one is really simple. 4 pieces and you have a total outfit. Who doesn't love that? Best thing about this? You could wear this to a wedding, a graduation party, you name it, and you'll look fabulous! I love the dress, and the pop of color the accessories bring to it. You could wear many different shoes with it, I personally picked the peep toe, cut out heel. But feel free to pair your own pair of shoes with it. Hope you ladies love it! Xoxo


Friday daytime outfit has arrived.....

I love fedora's! I think they are sooo stylish! I found this one at The Buckle, and I made an outfit around it. I use shorts from American Eagle a lot, because I love that they come in SOOO many sizes. I kept the shirt pretty simple, and spiced it up a little with some wild wedges.

Links if you have to have something: :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Super casual summer look today!

Thursday's outfit is very casual... I see this outfit paired with a messy side braid, walking around downtown scouting for a great outdoor spot to grab some lunch. Well, I think I just told you where I would like to be! :)  So, today;'s outfit is pretty simple. This purse is STILL on sale at Target (hurry and snatch it up before the sale ends!)... Where would you wear this cute little number? 


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Thank heavens it's the middle of the week!

I'm in love with the maxi skirt/dress trend. I wear them to work a lot. So, that is what inspired today's outfit. {Plus this skirt is currently on SALE!}  I think you can wear this tank tucked in with a belt, or out like it is in the picture. If you love these earrings, I would be sure to snap them up, they're very popular at The Buckle, and have been sold out in the previous months. Are you loving the maxi skirt/dress trend too? Tell me if you are :)


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Red is the color on this Tuesday!

Wow, look at this top! It's surely red! Love the cut and the way it looks in the back. Super trendy tank top for the summer, paired with basic longer blue jeans. Sexy wedges from Target add a bit of, "I'm sexy and I know it," to this outfit! ;) Neutral polish will finish this look off! How would you wear your hair with this outfit? Let me know.... Ciao!

Follow the links down the {red} brick road: 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, ohhhh Monday!

Well its beautiful in my neck of the woods today! I was attracted to these neon shorts from American Eagle! They're soooo bright and fun (and not SUPPPER short).. I kept the accessories simple, and the look fresh, with the crisp white shirt. Pretty easy outfit if you ask me. Perfect for a beautiful summer day! Hope you love it! Tell me what your favorite piece is!


Enjoyed my weekend!

I took the weekend off from posting outfits. I was out enjoying the sun! Outfits will be up and running later today with a bright summer number! ;)

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!


Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Friday Night!

Here is a little treat for tonight's outfit!

Sorry, this song comes into my head every time I make a Friday Night outfit.... :) It's for fun, don't listen to it if you don't want to!

Soooo, I LOVE the It's Friday Night outfit this week. I love the bright dress, and I'm not going to mention the illegal things I would do for these high heels! Wowza! I need them, desperately. {Check out the link, so you can see the real detail of the shoe!} The belt shown is the belt used in the outfit of the picture. It was my favorite choice out of a ton of wide black belts that I looked at, I think Express did a great job matching them up! Let me know if you love it..

Lovin the heels too? Here is where to go! Liiiinks:

Friday's daytime outfit!

TGIF! Today you get 2 outfit's.. A daytime outfit, and a It's Friday Night! outfit. This daytime look was inspired by a look that I saw, and loved on Pinterest... But, once I clicked the links, I found everything to be VERY expensive. I thought what better thing to do, than recreate a look like this with OE's guidelines! And I did! Tell me if you like it, or think its a good re-make! Have a great weekend, ladies!

Outfit that I saw on Pinterest: {website:}


Now.... Drum roll please.... Outfit Everyday's version! ;)

What do you guys think? Pretty good, huh? {Well if you hate it, I tried! :) }

Links to the affordable version:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Hump Day, ladies!

Here we go! This is a new top at The Buckle and I think its great! Love the colors. Also, this bag is on a temporary price cut at Target and SUPER affordable, so go check it out while the price cut lasts! With simple gold accessories, you let the beautiful top shine! Do you ladies love the top as much as I do? Let me know! I love hearing from you. Ciao, Bella's!

Had to have the Tank? Purse? Wedges? :) Linkkks:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

In love with the skirt in today's outfit!

This is a cute little dressy number for Tuesday's outfit. I love, love, love this lacy skirt from Maurices. It's to die for! I'd wear a good quality white scoop neck t-shirt with this skirt, and I would personally tuck the top in. I think the headband adds a girl next door vibe, and with a beautiful, long necklace you'll look fab! Let me know if you love it!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Relay for Life

I participated in a Relay for Life event in Wyoming and I wanted to make an outfit to honor this great event. It's a comfortable and casual outfit, with pops of pink to support the survivors of breast cancer {You're amazing J.O., and it was an honor to be on your team this year!}... Lululemon is a great place to get amazing workout pieces. They're a little spendy but worth the investment in my eyes. Let me know if you could see yourself wearing this comfy outfit!


Friday, June 15, 2012

It's Friday Night!

It's Friday Night! Wooo, we made it.. Hopefully everyone has great plans tonight! This outfit is not as sexy as past Friday Night outfits. I think it's something that you can wear to a summer wedding too! So, dual purposes.... What's better than that ;)

Can't live without this dress? Here's where to find it... :)

Friday's day outfit :)

Here is today's daytime outfit. I've used this vest before! I really like it... The outfit is a bit casual because I like to imagine all Friday's are casual! {I'll keep dreaming, I know!} But I love the pop of red, and the bold wedges. Let me know which is your favorite part! Stay tuned for Friday's night time outfit..

Tee Shirt:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

An office look for Tuesday!

I think this is something that would look great in an office. Khaki's and a light weight patterned cardigan. Love the flats {your toes will too ;)}. I kept the accessories simple because the top has quite the busy print.. This was almost a one stop shopping trip today, most everything is from The Buckle, with the flats from AE, and the purse from Target. Hope you enjoy this office casual outfit!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Comfortable is the word of the day for Monday!

After taking the weekend off, I've returned with this bright little outfit....Pretty sure I want all of it! I think having a great looking and fitting jean jacket is one of summers must haves! Pair with some comfy looking bright crops and ta-da, a comfortable looking, easy outfit. Add a dash more of color with the necklace and sparkly earrings. Let me know where you'd wear this outfit! Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful Monday!

Monday's links: